Suciu | The Employment Law Firm continuă seria evenimentelor HR Roundtable dedicate dreptului muncii

Suciu | The Employment Law Firm organizează două evenimente dedicate unor teme ce țin de dreptul muncii: 

  • ?? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????? – ??? ???, ?? ?????? – 17 septembrie, intervalul 18:00 – 20:00, Luna Cafe & Bistro, Strada Viitorului nr 32, Bucuresti
    • Take this opportunity to clarify your questions on working hours – from flexible working arrangements, compensation of overtime and weekend work to keeping time records for remote and mobile workers. Evaluate your risk position and identify immediate threats!
  • ????????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? – ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???????? – 24 septembrie, intervalul orar 17:30 – 19:30, Café Boutique Doamna T, Strada Napoca nr 10, Cluj-Napoca
    • ✔️ Understand the current legislation on employment termination ✔️ Identify the applicable reason for dismissal ✔️ Assess the available evidence ✔️ Understand the risks and opt for a strategic course of action

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